[Psychophysical Supervenience] «The mental supervenes on the physical in that any two things exactly alike in all physical properties cannot differ in respect of mental properties» (Kim, 1996). Kim endorses a reductive supervenience, according to which mental causation would be a mere illusion. I consider Kim’s distinction between “levels” (micro/macro) and “orders” (physical/mental) very interesting and important from a logical and metaphysical point of view to clarify the causal role of some mental properties and notably consciousness (Kim, 1998; 2006). About mind/body problem I endorse the theories of ontological monism and epistemological dualism. The discovery of the mirror neurons system (MNS) and its way of working is a good example to understand the previous theories. According to Rizzolatti and Sinigaglia (2006), it seems that perception, understanding and action are grouped together into a unified mechanism, according to which «the brain that acts is also and above all a brain that understands» (Ib., p.3). Finally, I try to show the theoretical concordance of this discovery with the supervenience reductive theory of mind claimed by Kim (1993, 1996, 1998, 2005).
Aggiunto il 09/08/2013 15:25 da Nicola Simonetti
Argomento: Filosofia della mente
Pagine: 92
Edizione: Lambert Academic Publishing (LAP), Saarbruecken, Germany 2012
Scritto da: Nicola Simonetti
Lingua: Inglese
Costo: 43,34 €
Casa editrice: Lambert Academic Publishing (LAP), Saarbruecken, Germany 2012
ISBN: 978-3848420469
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